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  I moved from Michigan to South Carolina and in terms of the Nice Stitch Native Ohana Shirt everyday voters that I’ve known, Michigan Republicans and South Carolina Republicans are barely recognizable as being the same party. In Michigan, Republicans are primarily pro-business people who long for the days of John Engler, and in South Carolina, you have a bunch of social conservatives who can’t grok that the party’s primary goal is to appoint corporate lackeys to the Supreme Court. They can all find reasons to fall in line, even if it’s just because of a fear-mongering campaign about pinko tankie. Buy it:  Nice Stitch Native Ohana Shirt Home:  Blablatees

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  Lobbyists write tax cuts and hand then to Nice Kobe Bryant Born Legend Living In Our Heart Shirt Republicans to pass. Make it very easy for them to seem like they have it together. But anyone that’s been paying attention has seen the brain drain from the party accelerating since 2010. They are doing it. Democrats across the country are going out into their community and holding press events at post offices, getting the message out there that this interferes with people’s medication, they are opening local state investigations, they are examining DeJoy’s finances, and calling for testimony the news about the postal machines being removed only broke 2-3 days ago, it takes time to organize this kind of thing. Buy it:  Nice Kobe Bryant Born Legend Living In Our Heart Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Wine Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt

  A public option will be filled with people who were either rejected by Nice Wine Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt private insurance or can’t afford it. This will drive the price up. A public option will not end insurance loopholes that allow insurers to get out of paying. A public option ensures that everyone has access to healthcare. This is essentially Obamacare. There will be gaps between those who are subsidized, and those who can afford it. People who are citing countries like Germany as an example of how this could work need to actually look into how their system works. Everyone under a certain income is automatically on the public plan in Germany. It is nothing like American insurance. Buy it:  Nice Wine Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Official Retired 2020 Not My Problem Anymore Shirt

  Deductibles themselves create a situation where almost all Official Retired 2020 Not My Problem Anymore Shirt bills have multiple payees. So this creates further administrative costs. A lot of resources go into collecting money from both insurers and patients. Insurer’s entire profit model is based on denying some claims. Hospitals sometimes have trouble collecting money from unwilling insurers. This is also true for people who are too poor to afford treatment. Medical debt is the main reason for bankruptcy in the US. This hurts both individuals and hospitals. Hospitals will never see the money for that treatment. To be fair I think a lot of politicians do just that. Andrew Yang’s healthcare proposal seems to be heavily influenced by. Buy it:  Official Retired 2020 Not My Problem Anymore Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top Vodka Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt

  Biden’s plan is to create a public option and then Top Vodka Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt expand it. The advantage of this plan is that even if it is only partially successful, it massively improves things. M4A can’t be partially successful. The general politics of the US are also way further to the right than most countries. Americans are generally more liberal individualists. They also tend to associate wealth with merit. This leads many to believe that a single-payer or even multi-payer universal healthcare system would take money out of their pockets and put it into the hands of people who don’t deserve it. Buy it:  Top Vodka Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top THC Tetrahydrocannabinol The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt

  Also, you could argue that any talk of a Top THC Tetrahydrocannabinol The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt public option is just to talk as well. And if you’re argument is that democrats wouldn’t pass a universal healthcare bill… that’s literally what I’m complaining about. Also, my problem is that I’m not even sure Biden is capable of passing a public option. And that was when Obama had a super-majority. Of course, the vast majority of progressives want Biden over Trump and will vote for him. To anyone reading this, remember, this election is a trip to the library. It’s no use to wait for a bus that will drop us off at the front steps, we get on the one available, get off at the closest stop and walk the rest of the way. Buy it:  Top THC Tetrahydrocannabinol The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt Home:  Blablatees

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 Lol, the people on this sub are going to Top Vintage Jimi Hendrix When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace Shirt go back to sleep the second that uncle Joe gets in the White House. I hope he wins, but reading comments about people saying stuff like “I can’t wait to not pay attention to politics again” is pretty disheartening. The party establishment and moderates are United, they got what they wanted – a horribly old, untrustworthy candidate whose closet is full of skeletons and whose head is full of oatmeal, running alongside a fucking cop in a time of intense anti-cop sentiment.  Buy it:  Top Vintage Jimi Hendrix When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace Shirt Home:  Blablatees