
Showing posts from September, 2020

Nice Stitch Native Ohana Shirt

  I moved from Michigan to South Carolina and in terms of the Nice Stitch Native Ohana Shirt everyday voters that I’ve known, Michigan Republicans and South Carolina Republicans are barely recognizable as being the same party. In Michigan, Republicans are primarily pro-business people who long for the days of John Engler, and in South Carolina, you have a bunch of social conservatives who can’t grok that the party’s primary goal is to appoint corporate lackeys to the Supreme Court. They can all find reasons to fall in line, even if it’s just because of a fear-mongering campaign about pinko tankie. Buy it:  Nice Stitch Native Ohana Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Kobe Bryant Born Legend Living In Our Heart Shirt

  Lobbyists write tax cuts and hand then to Nice Kobe Bryant Born Legend Living In Our Heart Shirt Republicans to pass. Make it very easy for them to seem like they have it together. But anyone that’s been paying attention has seen the brain drain from the party accelerating since 2010. They are doing it. Democrats across the country are going out into their community and holding press events at post offices, getting the message out there that this interferes with people’s medication, they are opening local state investigations, they are examining DeJoy’s finances, and calling for testimony the news about the postal machines being removed only broke 2-3 days ago, it takes time to organize this kind of thing. Buy it:  Nice Kobe Bryant Born Legend Living In Our Heart Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Wine Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt

  A public option will be filled with people who were either rejected by Nice Wine Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt private insurance or can’t afford it. This will drive the price up. A public option will not end insurance loopholes that allow insurers to get out of paying. A public option ensures that everyone has access to healthcare. This is essentially Obamacare. There will be gaps between those who are subsidized, and those who can afford it. People who are citing countries like Germany as an example of how this could work need to actually look into how their system works. Everyone under a certain income is automatically on the public plan in Germany. It is nothing like American insurance. Buy it:  Nice Wine Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Official Retired 2020 Not My Problem Anymore Shirt

  Deductibles themselves create a situation where almost all Official Retired 2020 Not My Problem Anymore Shirt bills have multiple payees. So this creates further administrative costs. A lot of resources go into collecting money from both insurers and patients. Insurer’s entire profit model is based on denying some claims. Hospitals sometimes have trouble collecting money from unwilling insurers. This is also true for people who are too poor to afford treatment. Medical debt is the main reason for bankruptcy in the US. This hurts both individuals and hospitals. Hospitals will never see the money for that treatment. To be fair I think a lot of politicians do just that. Andrew Yang’s healthcare proposal seems to be heavily influenced by. Buy it:  Official Retired 2020 Not My Problem Anymore Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top Vodka Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt

  Biden’s plan is to create a public option and then Top Vodka Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt expand it. The advantage of this plan is that even if it is only partially successful, it massively improves things. M4A can’t be partially successful. The general politics of the US are also way further to the right than most countries. Americans are generally more liberal individualists. They also tend to associate wealth with merit. This leads many to believe that a single-payer or even multi-payer universal healthcare system would take money out of their pockets and put it into the hands of people who don’t deserve it. Buy it:  Top Vodka Noun The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top THC Tetrahydrocannabinol The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt

  Also, you could argue that any talk of a Top THC Tetrahydrocannabinol The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt public option is just to talk as well. And if you’re argument is that democrats wouldn’t pass a universal healthcare bill… that’s literally what I’m complaining about. Also, my problem is that I’m not even sure Biden is capable of passing a public option. And that was when Obama had a super-majority. Of course, the vast majority of progressives want Biden over Trump and will vote for him. To anyone reading this, remember, this election is a trip to the library. It’s no use to wait for a bus that will drop us off at the front steps, we get on the one available, get off at the closest stop and walk the rest of the way. Buy it:  Top THC Tetrahydrocannabinol The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top Vintage Jimi Hendrix When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace Shirt

 Lol, the people on this sub are going to Top Vintage Jimi Hendrix When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace Shirt go back to sleep the second that uncle Joe gets in the White House. I hope he wins, but reading comments about people saying stuff like “I can’t wait to not pay attention to politics again” is pretty disheartening. The party establishment and moderates are United, they got what they wanted – a horribly old, untrustworthy candidate whose closet is full of skeletons and whose head is full of oatmeal, running alongside a fucking cop in a time of intense anti-cop sentiment.  Buy it:  Top Vintage Jimi Hendrix When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top Tesla Rock Band 40th Years Of 1980-2020 Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt

  Progressive agenda? Like how? I haven’t heard anything yet about Top Tesla Rock Band 40th Years Of 1980-2020 Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt implementing universal healthcare, jobs program, justice reform, marijuana legalization, ending wars, cutting the military budget, prosecuting bankers. It drives me insane which is called a liberal agenda. It’s fucking science and it’s proven. We have no choice. It’s ape shit stupid that Republicans decided to make following the scientific process a liberal agenda they want no part of. America needs a new conservative party. I don’t know about that. It took all of an hour for Biden’s base to start shitting on delegates like Corey Bush and Rashida Tlaib for voting for who they are delegates for at the DNC. Buy it:  Top Tesla Rock Band 40th Years Of 1980-2020 Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top We Can Boo It Halloween Shirt

I really resent this sentiment. Liberals aren’t racist against white people despite what the Top We Can Boo It Halloween Shirt alt-right wants people to believe. There’s nothing at all incongruent about a white guy being the standard-bearer for progressive politics as long as said white guy believes in progressive policies. Besides, weren’t black people the demographic that saved his candidacy? Clearly his being white didn’t bother them at all. Progressive: just enough to make sure that Medicare for All was not put on the DNC platform. We are getting campaign promises that sound fine and dandy, but those promises are very non-binding.   Buy it:  Top We Can Boo It Halloween Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Official Thank You For The Memories 1976-2020 Chadwick Boseman Signature Shirt

 SIZE CHART A progressive agenda, don’t make Official Thank You For The Memories 1976-2020 Chadwick Boseman Signature Shirt me laugh. They snubbed AOC for the convention, they went into apoplectic damage control when it seemed like Bernie and his policies might have had a chance, both Biden and Kamala Harris have personal responsibility in perpetuating the violence of the carceral state, Kamala Harris’ shining. Supporters and critics of Biden’s candidacy can agree that there is something highly incongruent about a 77-year-old white man and creature of the political establishment becoming the standard-bearer of an increasingly “woke” political party defined more and more by the voices of women and people of color. Buy it:  Official Thank You For The Memories 1976-2020 Chadwick Boseman Signature Shirt Home: Blablatees

Official I Like Beer And My Miniature Schnauzer And Maybe 3 People Shirt

You are taken to the Official I Like Beer And My Miniature Schnauzer And Maybe 3 People Shirt room. You realize it isn’t just the needle room. There are many other torture tools. Barbarians. Oh, right, you should not judge other cultures. But how, when they are going to kill you? They take you first. They stab you with a needle. You feel pain filling your bones. Your body is morphing. Your blood is boiling. You are passing out. Then you hear your stupidly lucky brother. He is laughing. He is shouting something. You use the remaining energy to hear it. They are tickling him.   Buy it:  Official I Like Beer And My Miniature Schnauzer And Maybe 3 People Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Jeep Merry Christmas Shirt

 For real though, he is one of the Nice Jeep Merry Christmas Shirt biggest philanthropists in the world. The guy donates more money than the vast majority of wealthy people on the planet.  Some of it is his scumbaggery in business, a lot of it is stupid people who refuse to learn about technology fearing technology, which to them he represents. He almost managed to cripple the Internet, by driving all other web browsers out of business, through a combination of standards abuse and simple monopolistic abuse and then stopping development on Internet Explorer. I used to work for a major security software company back in the day and people would always accuse us of making the viruses that we detect and remove.  Buy it:  Nice Jeep Merry Christmas Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Lucifer What’s It You Desire Tom Ellis Signature Shirt

 Back in the 90’s during my senior Nice Lucifer What’s It You Desire Tom Ellis Signature Shirt year of high school, I installed a remote admin program (sub7 gang wut up!) on my girlfriend’s laptop right as she left for college because I was crazy insecure. I set it up so that I could see what she was writing, I could see her screen or worse still, I could activate her webcam without her knowing so I could see who was in her dorm room. I felt like the world’s biggest creep and knew what I did was completely wrong and I was the bad guy. Still super creepy.  Buy it:  Nice Lucifer What’s It You Desire Tom Ellis Signature Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Drums Are The Bacon Of Music Shirt

  These Nice Drums Are The Bacon Of Music Shirt. It’s a well-oiled machine they have set up there. My own mother went from quirky occasionally with thoughts about spirits and the like to full-on conspiracy peddling, antivax, qanon supporter, decrying democracy and the evil antifas. It’s a genuine slippery slope that clueless relatives are especially vulnerable to.Not exactly the same brand of crazy, but the same happened to my mom. She now believe the coronavirus is a worldwide conspiracy, that the numbers are faked, that the mask obligations are just a way for our gov to test how docile we are, and call herself woke. Buy it:  Nice Drums Are The Bacon Of Music Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top I Put A Spell On You And Now You’re Wine Shirt

What did 20th century karens get? Top I Put A Spell On You And Now You’re Wine Shirt Viruses. What did they use? Some form of windows and probably thought Macs don’t get viruses and didn’t know what Linux was. Who made windows? Microsoft. Who founded Microsoft? Billy g. Thus that idea. Now, he’s tryna do something good and karens are applying the same analogy. Well Microsoft didn’t have a virus scanner until 2009 when ‘Security Essentials’ was made available; they’ve never sold a virus scanner as far as I know. In the 80s and early 90s, viruses got passed around on infected floppies.   Buy it:  Top I Put A Spell On You And Now You’re Wine Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Official Kawaii Beetle Shirt

  I mean, I’m pretty sure Official Kawaii Beetle Shirt windows protection COMES with Windows so I don’t see the point. I might be missing something tho, maybe it used to be sold separate? still very unlikely he had done that since hisain bussiness isn’t even about antivirus. Id believe it from an antivirus company. No. As people have pointed out – ms didn’t do a virus scan until 2009, but the other element is that even if they did do one, they didn’t need to write viruses – there were enough hackers, pissed off kids, and weirdos who were doing it anyway. Why would MS pay people to do what the public were already doing on a mass scale. Buy it:  Official Kawaii Beetle Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Official It Takes A Lot Of Magic To Be A Teacher Shirt

If someone actually believes this you gotta just go with it Official It Takes A Lot Of Magic To Be A Teacher Shirt, double down, be like “well – he’s clearly too powerful and his plan worked flawlessly, what are ya gonna do! We’re his bitch! He owns the world. We just have no choice but to pray he doesnt make the next virus in 2 weeks, or make one 50x more deadly! Maybe we should send him money directly to get in his good graces!”. This might get swallowed by the mass of other comments but once you do decide to move and cut ties you may want to head on over to r/privacy and their.   Buy it:  Official It Takes A Lot Of Magic To Be A Teacher Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top White Beard Vintage Summer Shirt

 Should have been “windows defender exaggerates malware threat to scare you into upgrading to their ‘advanced’ antivirus software.” Just another hourly reminder that human brains were not ready for nearly limitless, unregulated information and freedom to convey opinions as facts to all other humans. So with the coronavirus it is like “media exaggerates coronavirus threat to Top White Beard Vintage Summer Shirt scare you into getting ‘advanced’ flu vaccine.” I’ve watched someone fall down the rabbit hole he’s an old coworker and he never had any of these ideas then all of a sudden.  Buy it:  Top White Beard Vintage Summer Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Official Premium Love One Another Shirt

I’ve watched someone fall down the Official Premium Love One Another Shirt rabbit hole he’s an old coworker and he never had any of these ideas then all of a sudden corona happened and suddenly now he’s gone crazy thinking vaccines are population control he’s been posting stuff that sounds like the ravings of the English defence league. He’s one of those closeted racists who try to pretend they aren’t but they really are. I’m only still friends with him on Facebook just for a laugh when I see a stupid posts he puts about conspiracies. Honestly tho. My parents do the exact same. I am unbiased to anything but.   Buy it:  Official Premium Love One Another Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Le Soudage Me Rend Heureux Les Humains Me Font Mal À La Tête Shirt

It’s even crazier when you Nice Le Soudage Me Rend Heureux Les Humains Me Font Mal À La Tête Shirt think that it’s only actually the us that charges people for vaccines. It’s like the whole big pharma conspiracy there’s drugs available all over the world for pennies by the same companies so there’s obviously no conspiracy, just a stupid healthcare system. I suppose police officers invented crime and make money from bail? Your mom is insane and doesn’t understand this meme is clearly a joke. Gates has done incredible things to help a lot of people, unlike some hoarding billionnaire getting richer. AI can’t even wrap my head around this kind of thinking. Like, people have been screaming since how to prevent infection.   Buy it:  Nice Le Soudage Me Rend Heureux Les Humains Me Font Mal À La Tête Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Maga Bear Only You Can Prevent Socialism Shirt

Democrats believe higher taxes and more regulations and more Nice Maga Bear Only You Can Prevent Socialism Shirt federal government. Republicans believe the opposite, lower taxes fewer regulations, and power back to the states. Lots of people don’t know these two basic facts and just go off the news. You could go to his website and get a list, but unfortunately, since the COVID 19 outbreak, I don’t believe the numbers to still be factual. However, the 1 and only accomplishment I can say I’ve physically witnessed, in the past mind you because the 2021 tax year is not here yet, is the help in tax relief for blue-collar middle-class families.  By this I mean, the average family of four, 2 parents with 2 children under 16 making around 80000 a year, actually got a tax return instead of owing.   Buy it:  Nice Maga Bear Only You Can Prevent Socialism Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Top If I’m Drunk it’s My Quarantined Bestie’s Fault Shirt

 Just want to say thank you for trying to start a Top If I’m Drunk it’s My Quarantined Bestie’s Fault Shirt meaningful discussion on this. I am a Canadian that follows politics, and I have tried very hard to be objective when it comes to Donald Trump. He doesn’t make it easy sometimes but the people who worship him or burn an effigy of him make it far worse. Better economy until recent months but we have a V-shaped recovery in unemployment, 80% more human traffickers are being caught due to better border security. Donated 100% of his salary and has actually lost 600 million in personal dollars because he wants to pay for a lot of the things he does himself. Buy it:  Top If I’m Drunk it’s My Quarantined Bestie’s Fault Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Cecilion Fear Rises Yet Love Stays Still Shirt

Trump got a lot done on a bipartisan basis, including criminal justice Nice Cecilion Fear Rises Yet Love Stays Still Shirt reform, opioid, and sex trafficking legislation, and a new “Right to Try” law giving dying Americans access to experimental medications. I could go on but I hope Reddit learns that being mean doesn’t make you a bad president, it’s your actions that make you a good president. And on a “policy and statistical level” trump is the top 10 presidents ever. I don’t like he’s on twitter or has a big mouth but on a logistical and policy level, he’s amazing. Buy it:  Nice Cecilion Fear Rises Yet Love Stays Still Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Official Back Off Have A Feisty Grandma I’m Not Afraid To Use Her Shirt

Now, after Trump, when they look around and see someone who Official Back off have a feisty grandma I’m not afraid to use Her Shirt doesn’t fit the traditional political mold, who (IMO at least) isn’t qualified for the job, it lowers the bar. That’s a bad thing generally, but maybe, in this case, it makes some kid say “hey, maybe I DO have a chance, I don’t necessarily need to be a Harvard grad or a war hero or something really tough like that to be president”, and maybe that kid turns out to be a fantastic president. He created millions of jobs with business-building policies. That right there is going to make a lasting impact. The black community has also seen its highest employment rate under trump, and good race relations under trump went up. Buy it:  Official Back Off Have A Feisty Grandma I’m Not Afraid To Use Her Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Mike Tyson Savage Mode Shirt

 Ask many black people and they will say that Nice Mike Tyson Savage Mode Shirt they are pressured into being democrats, but that’s very toxic as it creates a hive mind, so it’s good that black people are shown that they can be open-minded and are more than their race, they are their viewpoints, thoughts, and life experiences. Hey OP, people have already listed all of the positives so far, but I have one of my own. He shook things up. No one expected him to win. Everyone thought Hillary would win. An well, the presidents were kind of becoming standardized. 2 Clintons, 2 Bushes, One Obama, a One Hillary. Buy it:  Nice Mike Tyson Savage Mode Shirt Home:  Blablatees

Nice Horror Halloween Pacman Halloween Shirt

 It establishes normal relations Nice Horror Halloween Pacman Halloween Shirt between the two countries, including business relations, tourism, direct flights, scientific cooperation, and, eventually will include full diplomatic ties at the ambassadorial level. There are several more positive things he has done (especially in relation to China), but I think many are mentioned in other comments. This deal in particular though is a massive win and a huge accomplishment The first president to actively try to decriminalize homosexuality in countries where homosexuality is punishable by, at minimum, prison. Deescalated tensions between Communist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea. First and only President to set foot on North Korean soil. Trump was very influential in the UAE Israel deal. Buy it:  Nice Horror Halloween Pacman Halloween Shirt Home: Blablatees

Nice T-rex this is My Human Costume I’m Really A Godzilla Shirt

 He’s been doing more than former GOP presidents in regard to Nice T-rex this is My Human Costume I’m Really A Godzilla Shirt attempting to lower healthcare prices. Hell, I’m extremely left on the healthcare issue, but the fact that a GOP member is trying to take steps in that direction is definitely worth mentioning. (just give us nationalized healthcare already, shit.) He’s playing ball with Hong Kong. Removing the special status of Hong Kong has slighted China. This thing I’m going to mention is obviously going to be shrugged off, but try to give it some thought. The EPA and some other agencies were used as political action fronts for certain groups. Buy it:  Nice T-rex this is My Human Costume I’m Really A Godzilla Shirt Home: Blablatees

Nice Chris Cornell I Am Not Your Rolling Wheels I Am The Highway I Am Shirt

When Trump was “dismantling” the EPA, what he was actually doing was cutting off Nice Chris Cornell I Am Not Your Rolling Wheels I Am The Highway I Am Shirt these revenue streams and function of these fronts that really didn’t do anything in terms of protecting the environment. The result is that it pissed off the team that put those in place, and made energy cheaper. It really had no effect on the environment either way, but it really stifled the Democrat power over energy. That’s 100% why they threw a giant hoopla, “they’re going to get rid of the EPA!” Which the GOP didn’t. They just wanted to stop the DNC from using the regulatory ability of the EPA for their own political and globalist ideals. Buy it:   Nice Chris Cornell I Am Not Your Rolling Wheels I Am The Highway I Am Shirt Home: Blablatees

Nice Where Is My Happy Face Shirt

If people start attacking me, saying that Nice Where Is My Happy Face Shirt he’s not running the country, our country is turning to shit. Well. It’s been turning to shit, regardless of the president. I didn’t post this stuff to actually have an argument. Just look into it yourself and make your own decisions. I won’t reply. I consider myself right down the center. I take values from both sides. That said, I think the worse of Trump and have long before he decided to run for President. I am not jaded by that though. Right away upon taking off, he got us out of the TPP. He signed bills to make animal abuse a felony, clean up the trash from the pacific, and signed something that would give artists more royalties from streaming services. Buy it:    Nice Where Is My Happy Face Shirt Home : Blablatees

Nice Snoopy and Charlie Brown Sorry I’m Late I Had To Walk My Dog Shirt

Prior to Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the United States had the highest corporate tax rate in the Nice Snoopy and Charlie Brown Sorry I’m Late I Had To Walk My Dog Shirt industrialized world. Taxes are many companies’ largest expense. Even despite this fact, less than 5% of the taxes generated came from corporate taxes each year. All of this to say, the US was driving companies to seek tax shelters in other countries, offshore jobs, and make US-based businesses less price competitive on a global scale. The changes in tax law that Trump was able to pass will allow American businesses to compete better internationally while having a very minimal impact on overall tax revenue. In fact, the increase in businesses that stay in the US may even generate more tax revenue over the long haul. Buy it:   Nice Snoopy and Charlie Brown Sorry I’m Late I Had To Walk My Dog Shirt Home: Blablatees