Top Original Sunnyvale Trailer Park Beavis And Butthead Shirt

I saw in the credits that Mr. Anderson’s grandson directed, wrote, and Top Original Sunnyvale Trailer Park Beavis And Butthead Shirt animated this. Glad to see the Anderson family has no hard feelings about their cat getting painted, their bushes being set on fire or their lawnmower being stolen by our boys. One of the best jokes from the 2011 season was one of the Jersey Shore women saying “Hello, I’m a whore”, and Butt-head responding “That’s how she answers the phone, huh huh huh huh”. I liked the one where Snooki gets a rash on her ass and sits in the beer fridge. The clip ends with her saying I need to poop. Might be the same clip. Them making fun of Jersey Shore could be its own 20-minute show.

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